The Single FASTEST Way to Embrace The Keto Lifestyle


The Keto Kamp Academy Membership. Our step by step easy to follow plan for practicing keto,
balancing hormones, burning fat and rebooting your metabolism.

Keto Kamp Academy Membership 

$67 Per Month (Cancel Anytime)

  • The Single FASTEST Way to Embrace The Keto Lifestyle - Turns Your Metabolism Into a Fat Burning Machine Within 7 Days! 
  • Full Access to Keto Kamp Academy Portal. Enjoy Total Clarity Over Keto Health With Easy to Follow Step by Step Video Lessons on Mastering Keto
  • End The Yo-Yo Weight Loss and Extreme Dieting With Our Vault Training Content With Advanced Fat Loss Tips
  •  Health Toolbox For Specific Health Conditions (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Autoimmune Disease, Thyroid Conditions & More)


Keto Kamp Academy Membership + Monthly Coaching & Support

$197 Per Month (Cancel Anytime)

  • The Single FASTEST Way to Embrace The Keto Lifestyle - Turns Your Metabolism Into a Fat Burning Machine Within 7 Days! 
  • Full Access to Keto Kamp Academy Portal. Enjoy Total Clarity Over Keto Health With Easy to Follow Step by Step Video Lessons on Mastering Keto
  • End The Yo-Yo Weight Loss and Extreme Dieting With Our Vault Training Content With Advanced Fat Loss Tips
  • Health Toolbox For Specific Health Conditions (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Autoimmune Disease, Thyroid Conditions & More)

+ The Follow Upgrades...

  • Get Your Questions Answered Through Live Group Coaching Calls Twice Each month With Ben Azadi 
  • Private Keto Kamp Academy Community Group to Connect With Other Members, Brag About Your Progress, Share Recipes & Receive Support 
  • A Personalized Keto Kamp Coach to Answer All Of Your Questions, Have The Program Tailored Specifically to you
    & Offer Support + 30 Minute Video Call With Your Coach Each Month

Keto Kamp Academy Membership + Weekly Coaching & Support

$497 Per Month (Cancel Anytime)

  • The Single FASTEST Way to Embrace The Keto Lifestyle - Turns Your Metabolism Into a Fat Burning Machine Within 7 Days! 
  • Full Access to Keto Kamp Academy Portal. Enjoy Total Clarity Over Keto Health With Easy to Follow Step by Step Video Lessons on Mastering Keto
  • End The Yo-Yo Weight Loss and Extreme Dieting With Our Vault Training Content With Advanced Fat Loss Tips
  • Health Toolbox For Specific Health Conditions (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Autoimmune Disease, Thyroid Conditions & More)
  • Get Your Questions Answered Through Live Group Coaching Calls Twice Each month With Ben Azadi 
  • Private Keto Kamp Academy Community Group to Connect With Other Members, Brag About Your Progress, Share Recipes & Receive Support 

+ The Follow Upgrades...

  • A Personalized Keto Kamp Coach to Answer All Of Your Questions, Have The Program Tailored Specifically to you
    & Offer Support + 30 Minute Video Call With Your Coach Each Week
  • At-Home Testing Kit Shipped Every 90 Days, Get A Better Understanding of How Inflammation Is Impacting Your Body and Have Your Keto Plan Customized For You During a 60 Minute Consultation Review


I learned most of what I know about keto and fasting the hard way.

Trial and error—and more error than I’d like to admit.

I created Keto Kamp Academy to make sure you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did.

I’ve been where you are—or worse.

Just a few years ago, I was addicted to KFC. I was obese, weighing 250 pounds. I was confused by nutritional jargon, depressed and hopeless.

Of course, I knew that health was my number one priority but I didn't know where to start. On top of all of that, researching nutrition on the internet confused the heck out of me. (Can you relate?)

But I didn’t give up.

I believed I had something to contribute to the world. I wanted to experience true health and amazing energy.

I tried all kinds of "quick weight loss" tricks to lose eight. Some of it worked. Much of it didn’t.

Over time, I gained some traction. Lots of it actually.

My energy levels increased. I started showing drop excess body fat. experienced real health for the first time.

Slowly I began feeling good again, day by day.

Today, millions of people are suffering with unnecessary symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, skin issues, digestive issues; and I've been able to help them overcome their health challenges for good with my Keto Kamp Academy.

If I can do it, you can do it. And I can show you how.

Short Video Sessions

These short videos will walk you through an easy step-by-step process to get into ketosis, practice intermittent fasting strategies, and practice keto flexing.

Lessons You Can Apply Immediately

You don’t need to be a keto superstar. You can use these principles to level up your health right away.

Tested Framework

You’ll get an exact framework I used to help 472 of my personal clients achieve a combined weight loss of 5,232 pounds. Follow the framework, and it’ll work every time.

The Keto Kamp Academy Overview

Keto Kamp Academy isn’t designed to just be consumed—it’s designed to be applied. To help you apply the training to your life in a practical way, this course comes with interactive study guides and checklists. The course will provide you with a proven framework for achieving ketosis, burning fat, and calming inflammation in your body.

Each module includes short training videos from Ben Azadi on a specific element of the Keto Kamp Academy framework plus a PDF guide and a shopping list to keep your learning on track.


The 4 Core Modules


(DAYS 1-7) Becoming Fat Adapted: 

Discover how to teach your body to burn fat instead of sugar. Burning fat is a cleaner source of energy for your body. This has tremendous benefits for health and longevity. We give you a list of food to eat, and foods to avoid, and after 7 days you will be burning fat instead of sugar. EASY PEASY!

(DAYS 8-21) Meal Timing: 

Discover how to use intermittent fasting (meal timing) strategies that will accelerate ketones and weight loss. We make this very easy to follow so you do not feel restricted, and actually feel better during your fast. 

(Days 22-45) Phase  - Gut Reset: 

In this pillar you will work on healing your gut so that you can get rid of many symptoms. We dive deep into 4 different levels of our gut reset diet. 

(Days 46+ Beyond) Keto Flexing: 

An easy, step-by-step system on how to flex in and out of ketosis. The blueprint for achieving metabolic flexibility, and making keto sustainable. This is tailored for YOU. We have protocols for cycling women, post menopausal women, men, diabetics and more. 

This training is composed of on-demand training videos that you can access from any device.

Keto Kamp Academy Membership 

$67 Per Month (Cancel Anytime)

  • The Single FASTEST Way to Embrace The Keto Lifestyle - Turns Your Metabolism Into a Fat Burning Machine Within 7 Days! 
  • Full Access to Keto Kamp Academy Portal. Enjoy Total Clarity Over Keto Health With Easy to Follow Step by Step Video Lessons on Mastering Keto
  • End The Yo-Yo Weight Loss and Extreme Dieting With Our Vault Training Content With Advanced Fat Loss Tips
  •  Health Toolbox For Specific Health Conditions (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Autoimmune Disease, Thyroid Conditions & More)


Keto Kamp Academy Membership + Monthly Coaching & Support

$197 Per Month (Cancel Anytime)

  • The Single FASTEST Way to Embrace The Keto Lifestyle - Turns Your Metabolism Into a Fat Burning Machine Within 7 Days! 
  • Full Access to Keto Kamp Academy Portal. Enjoy Total Clarity Over Keto Health With Easy to Follow Step by Step Video Lessons on Mastering Keto
  • End The Yo-Yo Weight Loss and Extreme Dieting With Our Vault Training Content With Advanced Fat Loss Tips
  • Health Toolbox For Specific Health Conditions (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Autoimmune Disease, Thyroid Conditions & More)

+ The Follow Upgrades...

  • Get Your Questions Answered Through Live Group Coaching Calls Twice Each month With Ben Azadi 
  • Private Keto Kamp Academy Community Group to Connect With Other Members, Brag About Your Progress, Share Recipes & Receive Support 
  • A Personalized Keto Kamp Coach to Answer All Of Your Questions, Have The Program Tailored Specifically to you
    & Offer Support + 30 Minute Video Call With Your Coach Each Month

Keto Kamp Academy Membership + Weekly Coaching & Support

$497 Per Month (Cancel Anytime)

  • The Single FASTEST Way to Embrace The Keto Lifestyle - Turns Your Metabolism Into a Fat Burning Machine Within 7 Days! 
  • Full Access to Keto Kamp Academy Portal. Enjoy Total Clarity Over Keto Health With Easy to Follow Step by Step Video Lessons on Mastering Keto
  • End The Yo-Yo Weight Loss and Extreme Dieting With Our Vault Training Content With Advanced Fat Loss Tips
  • Health Toolbox For Specific Health Conditions (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Autoimmune Disease, Thyroid Conditions & More)
  • Get Your Questions Answered Through Live Group Coaching Calls Twice Each month With Ben Azadi 
  • Private Keto Kamp Academy Community Group to Connect With Other Members, Brag About Your Progress, Share Recipes & Receive Support 

+ The Follow Upgrades...

  • A Personalized Keto Kamp Coach to Answer All Of Your Questions, Have The Program Tailored Specifically to you
    & Offer Support + 30 Minute Video Call With Your Coach Each Week
  • At-Home Testing Kit Shipped Every 90 Days, Get A Better Understanding of How Inflammation Is Impacting Your Body and Have Your Keto Plan Customized For You During a 60 Minute Consultation Review


See what our current students have to say:


David Donwerth - Keto Kamp Academy member

"I’m so grateful to be a Keto Kamp member. It took me 20 years to put on all that weight... thought it would take that long to lose it. 18 months of LCHF and the result is AWESOME! I’m thankful Ben Azadi for all of the content you share... it’s changed my life for the better.

Amy Derry - Keto Kamp Academy Member

"Less than two weeks of cutting out processed sugar and my face is already less puffy and my rosacea has calmed down (also I lost 8 pounds) I might sound a little vain but I'm looking forward to seeing my cheekbones again. Love the Keto Kamp program!!!"

Sander Sobera - Keto Kamp Academy Member

"When I started working with Ben I weighed 270 lbs, and I was relying on my sleep apnea machine each night. As of today, I've lost almost 70 lbs of fat, and I no longer have to rely on my sleep apnea machine. Ben saved my life. The best part about Ben is that he genuinely cares about you. Thank you for everything, Ben!"

If you ONLY got Keto Kamp Academy in this offer... it'd be worth it. The strategies in this course are what 472 of my personal clients used for a combined weight loss of 5,253 pounds.

But because we wanted to make this offer a no-brainer to accept - we also added ALL of this to help you on your keto journey.

We're basically giving away the farm to you because we care THAT much about your success.

See What Current Members Are Saying:

Keto Kamp Academy Membership 

$67 Per Month (Cancel Anytime)

  • The Single FASTEST Way to Embrace The Keto Lifestyle - Turns Your Metabolism Into a Fat Burning Machine Within 7 Days! 
  • Full Access to Keto Kamp Academy Portal. Enjoy Total Clarity Over Keto Health With Easy to Follow Step by Step Video Lessons on Mastering Keto
  • End The Yo-Yo Weight Loss and Extreme Dieting With Our Vault Training Content With Advanced Fat Loss Tips
  •  Health Toolbox For Specific Health Conditions (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Autoimmune Disease, Thyroid Conditions & More)


Keto Kamp Academy Membership + Monthly Coaching & Support

$197 Per Month (Cancel Anytime)

  • The Single FASTEST Way to Embrace The Keto Lifestyle - Turns Your Metabolism Into a Fat Burning Machine Within 7 Days! 
  • Full Access to Keto Kamp Academy Portal. Enjoy Total Clarity Over Keto Health With Easy to Follow Step by Step Video Lessons on Mastering Keto
  • End The Yo-Yo Weight Loss and Extreme Dieting With Our Vault Training Content With Advanced Fat Loss Tips
  • Health Toolbox For Specific Health Conditions (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Autoimmune Disease, Thyroid Conditions & More)

+ The Follow Upgrades...

  • Get Your Questions Answered Through Live Group Coaching Calls Twice Each month With Ben Azadi 
  • Private Keto Kamp Academy Community Group to Connect With Other Members, Brag About Your Progress, Share Recipes & Receive Support 
  • A Personalized Keto Kamp Coach to Answer All Of Your Questions, Have The Program Tailored Specifically to you
    & Offer Support + 30 Minute Video Call With Your Coach Each Month

Keto Kamp Academy Membership + Weekly Coaching & Support

$497 Per Month (Cancel Anytime)

  • The Single FASTEST Way to Embrace The Keto Lifestyle - Turns Your Metabolism Into a Fat Burning Machine Within 7 Days! 
  • Full Access to Keto Kamp Academy Portal. Enjoy Total Clarity Over Keto Health With Easy to Follow Step by Step Video Lessons on Mastering Keto
  • End The Yo-Yo Weight Loss and Extreme Dieting With Our Vault Training Content With Advanced Fat Loss Tips
  • Health Toolbox For Specific Health Conditions (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Autoimmune Disease, Thyroid Conditions & More)
  • Get Your Questions Answered Through Live Group Coaching Calls Twice Each month With Ben Azadi 
  • Private Keto Kamp Academy Community Group to Connect With Other Members, Brag About Your Progress, Share Recipes & Receive Support 

+ The Follow Upgrades...

  • A Personalized Keto Kamp Coach to Answer All Of Your Questions, Have The Program Tailored Specifically to you
    & Offer Support + 30 Minute Video Call With Your Coach Each Week
  • At-Home Testing Kit Shipped Every 90 Days, Get A Better Understanding of How Inflammation Is Impacting Your Body and Have Your Keto Plan Customized For You During a 60 Minute Consultation Review


I'm the best selling author of 4 books, national speaker and founder of Keto Kamp. Keto Kamp is a globally recognized brand represented in 111 countries. We have a top 15 health podcast, The Metabolic Freedom Podcast, and a YouTube community with over 200,000 subscribers. I'm one of today’s leading educators on ketosis, intermittent fasting, and other ancient healing strategies.

My 4 books have been ranked number one worldwide. I work closely with health thought leaders Dr Daniel Pompa, Dr Mindy Pelz, and other brilliant scientists and doctors.

I live in beautiful Miami Beach, Florida with my fiance Natassia, and our dog Ziggy and cats Anya and Milo.

As Seen On:

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected]
EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: We don't believe in "quick weight loss" programs - only in hard work, adding value, building a real, healthy metabolism, and serving others with excellence and constancy. Our programs are intended to help you achieve health unlike anything you've experienced before. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. Please don't enroll in our programs if you believe in the "the magic pill of quick weight loss" myth or ideology; we only want serious people dedicated to real health. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, direction, and strategies. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Ben Azadi is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition - Practitioner in Miami, Florida. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a health practitioner/patient relationship between Ben Azadi and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Ben Azadi is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. Anyway, all of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the link below. It's basic stuff --  but we feel transparency is important, and we hold ourselves (and you) to an incredibly high standard of integrity. That's why we also put our disclaimers on all our pages, why we give you our contact information for any questions, and why we give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Thanks for stopping by.

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