Online courses to help you build and achieve keto and intermittent fasting results that stick!

Keto Kamp Academy
(Signature Course)
- 45 Day Keto Reset Easy to Follow Videos from Ben Azadi in a step by step system
- LIVE group teaching calls twice each month with Ben Azadi
- Complete VAULT training Content With Advanced Fat Loss Tips, Biohacking & Longevity, Workout Videos & More
- Private Keto Kamp Academy Community Group to Connect With Other Members, Brag About Your Progress, Share Recipes & Receive Support
- Health Toolbox For Specific Health Conditions
- The Single FASTEST Way to Embrace The Keto Lifestyle - Fat Burning Keto Meal Plans

Fat Burning - Keto Friendly Recipes
- These recipes do not contain any inflammatory seed/vegetable oils
- This recipes include low plant toxins vegetables
- These recipes have been shown to nourishing the gut with probiotics and prebiotics to improve brain health and reduce anxiety-induced IBS
- These recipes rebuilding your metabolism by helping you shift into a cleaner source of fuel, ketones
- These recipes are protein focused which will reducing your cravings for sugar and carbohydrates
- These recipes fit the perfect macronutrient ratio to keep yourself in ketosis, without having to test
- These delicious, fat burning recipes will give you an energy boost throughout the day

60 Minute Consult With Ben Azadi, FDN-P
- During this 60 minute Zoom video consult, Ben Azadi will help you develop a customized keto/fasting plan that actually works.
- Ben will go over your entire health history to determine hidden causes of inflammation.
- If you have any lab work, Ben will review it with you with his functional lens.

Amy Derry
Keto Kamp Academy Member
"Less than two weeks of cutting out processed sugar and my face is already less puffy and my rosacea has calmed down (also I lost 8 pounds) I might sound a little vain but I'm looking forward to seeing my cheekbones again. Love the Keto Kamp program!!!"

David Donworth
Keto Kamp Academy Member
"I’m so grateful to be a Keto Kamp member. It took me 20 years to put on all that weight... thought it would take that long to lose it. 18 months of LCHF and the result is AWESOME! I’m thankful Ben Azadi for all of the content you share... it’s changed my life for the better."